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  • Preferred option
    Pay in full$297.00
  • Preferred option
    Split pay3x $111.00

One time offer - 1-on-1 coaching !

Get a 45-min coaching session for over 50% off!
Let's dive deep and talk through all your questions about your Facebook group and business! 
Includes 2 email follow-ups.
Just $111 $250!

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EPIC Facebook Group Course

Build an epic Facebook Group in 4 weeks!

This course will help you transform your Facebook group into an engaged, profitable, and impactful community. We do this through guided instruction, a database of proven content and strategies, and support when you need it.

The Program includes:

  • Guided 4 week instruction - follow along and implement the strategies for your group 
  • Ongoing access to 20+ advanced trainings to grow, engage and convert your group 
  • Ongoing access to a content library with 75+ proven posts - copy and post! 
  • Facebook Group Fundamentals Series (reg $97) - 5 video training series on mindset, settings, growth, engagement and conversion strategies 
  • An exclusive training on nailing your Facebook group name which is the foundational element for everything else! 
  • Get personalized feedback on your Facebook group name and ideas to improve it by submitting it to Steph! 
  • 1 month of email or voice message support - send your questions in and get answers! 
  • + more!


- Get a personalized Facebook group audit 

Total value $2997


  • Total payment
  • 1xEPIC Facebook Group Course$0

All prices in USD
